Title sequence for "Race For The White House" documentary series, 2016.
Jellyfish Pictures again approached me to conceive a documentary title sequence to pitch for a six-part Raw TV (The Imposer) documentary series for CNN. The series scrutinises some of the most charged presidential campaigns in American history. Raw TV wanted a sequence that would establish some of the themes of the show (self-interest, dirty tricks) and to do this I was keen to use striking visual metaphor. I was the sole artist and responsible for creating the sequence from conception to delivery.
Winner of GOLD BASS AWARD for Title Design.
Featured in Televisual magazine and many prominent design blogs including FormFiftyFive, Motionographer and From Up North.
Featured on motionographer.com
I opted for a high-contrast monochromatic treatment that I felt would feel consistent with each of the eras documented in the series.
There was opportunity to develop my 3D skills even though I had in mind a largely 2D aesthetic, I didn’t want the piece to feel completely flat which I knew it would if I worked only with 2D layers. I wanted the campaign badges to catch light and cast shadows realistically for instance, and for the freeway sections to have parallaxing lamp-posts and so on.
Below are a handful of work-in-progress scenes from Cinema 4D.